Vanya Georgieva, Bulgarian, has attended the best art school in Bulgaria in Plovdiv with the specialization of wall painting. At 20 she was called by the teacher Athos Faccincani in Monzambano (MA) to work in his studio . The attendance in the study of Faccincani has determined a refinement of the painting technique for 8 years. For some years, after maternity, her pictorial art has evolved for the search for an original stylistic modality that is distinguished from the teaching of the master Faccincani. The passion for art is gratified with great success by critics and the public in his personal and collective exhibitions to convey to the visitors and especially to his children the enthusiasm and love for art as a transmission of beauty and universal feelings.


• Personal exhibition in Mianyang, Sichuan province, China, November 2022
• Second edition of Our World 2021 INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY EXHIBITION in Expressionist Art Academy
Guangzhou, China
• Solo Exhibition Songshan Lake, Dongguan City, China 2021
• Solo Exhibition – The Great Mogul, Shenzhen, China 2020
• Parma Art Fair, Italy 2019
• Solo exhibition villa Mazzucchelli, Brescia, Italy 2019
• Collective Villa Voltera – Rome September 2019
• Technical and Visual Communication Award – Le Castella August 2018
• Collective exhibition, Maison Art-Villa Breda, Ponte di Brenta August 2018
• Collective exhibition – Gran Canaria Art Gallery, Las Palmas 2018
• Personal exhibition, Maison d’Art, Padua Italy 2017
• Biennale della Sibaritide, Castle of Corigliano Calabro August 2017 International competition, among the 6 finalists
• Collective exhibition, Visionart , Gran Canaria Art gallery, Gran Canaria, 2017
• Collective exhibition “Deep Blue” – Arica, Italy 2017
• Collective exhibition, Villa Volterra, Rome 2017
• Collective exhibition of the Quirinale – Rome 2016
• Asian Contemporary Art Fair, Hong Kong 2015
